- DMT poem -

Here is a little poem that I found on the internet:
For educational purposes only. You can print it out and make it part of your display kit too:
1 litre of water in a glass jar (or 2x 500ml in 2x glass jars).
Add 100g of sodium hydroxide and dissolve (It will heat up).
Add 100g of organic shredded mimosa hostilis root bark.
Stir / shake jar for 30 minutes then leave it to settle (By this point the bark should have gone slushy and sludgy dark brown. There will still be strands left).
[Add 200ml of naptha to the solution.
Give a thorough stir and let it settle,
Turn the jar/jars upside down and back several times letting it settle after a few turns, and repeat this process as many times as necessary until the naptha stops collecting dmt solution and settling as a separate layer on the top.
Use the glass pipette to take off the top layer (aqueous phase), being careful not to pick up any of the black/brown solution.]
You can repeat the bracketed steps adding more naptha after pipetted off until no more dmt can be seen to be extracted.
Pipette the aqueous phase into a medium sized glass sealable food container with a sealable lid (approximately 10"x6").
Cover glass food container with solution in and lay flat on a shelf in the freezer for between 6-24 hours. the longer you leave it, the better yield of crystals.
(The dmt crystals will precipitate out of the solution and fall to the bottom of the glass container where they will stick).
Pour off the remaining solution (naptha) through a coffee filter and let the container stand on its edge to dry on a tray to collect and crystals that may fall.
Once dry, take a stanley blade or a similar scraper to harvest the crystals from the container, and store in a air tight ziplock bag in the dark.
You can test the presence of DMT with the use of ehrlich reagent and the mixture should turn immediately to a pink/purple colour.
*written by "unknown".